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120929 OneFM The One Concert in Malaysia
Event: OneFM The One Concert in Malaysia
Date: 29th September 2012 , 8pm
Venue: Boulevard Strip, Plaza Low Yat
Organizer: OneFM
This is the 2nd time I met this 5 adorable boys after MOA Concert last year. Not to mention a very clear view of my precious B1A4 boys! I love how cute Chan interact with the fans but it's not me. ã… ã…
And this is the 1st time I see A-Pink performed live here in Malaysia. They are damn pretty! I love Eunji! hehe. Thanks OneFM~ Since I watermarked all this event photos under Chanshik0814, I will just redirect you guys to Chanshik0814 fansite okay? ^^

B1A4 #1

B1A4 #2

Others #3

B1A4 #1
Fantaken and Fancam:
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